Officers / Committee



Evening Star Quilt Guild 2020 Guild Officers
(Davison, Michigan)


President:  Pam C
VP / Programs: Mickey P
Secretary:  Carolyn H
Treasurer:  Anne W
Past President   Yvonne S 

 To contact the guild, please email the board at :

Committee Chairs for 2020

50/50…………………………………Nancy K
Charm squares & Blotto…Loretta  V
 Door Prizes……………………. Sharon B
Event Committee……………Karen R, Sue M, Colleen D
Hospitality……………………… Sharon M
Librarian…………………………. Annette LeB
Membership……………………. CaroloAnn W
Newsletter Editor……………. Yvonne S
Safe House………………………. Empty Bobbins
Sunshine Lady…………………. Linda VanB
Guild Blog & Facebook……. Anna P
Welcome Table & Secret Sister... Mary B
Welcome Bags………………. April P.
Set-up Committee…………… Sharon M

Description of committee chairs responsibility is found in the directory. Thank you for serving, you help make the guild a success.


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