Under construction ... more pictures to be posted
Block size: 7.5 inches / 7 INCH FINISHED ….
12 BLOCKS ACROSS AND DOWN = 86 x 86 inches -
(144 blocks but you can make smaller quilts.)
Go into your stash and pull out any white, white on white ...
no prints/ shirting. Please. (Any brand Bright white, Snow, off white,
white on white prints are okay.)
Any fabric that READS red or blue (medium to dark blues) will work for the colored portion of the
block. Patriotic colors will work best but I will work with what I am given.
Make a 3 inch finished triangle (3.5 inch unfinished patch)
using any method you like. Use a dark
color for one side of the triangle and your white for the other.
3 inch finished / 3-1/2 inch unfinished half square triangle |
From your yardage of
colored fabric and white cut 2.5 inch strips.
(See the block lay out pictures.)
For each block you will need 14 inches
of the color fabric. Try to keep the
strips matching the Half Sq. Triangles.
The white strips should be about 10 inches in length before you sub cut
Sub cutting the patches works best .... ask me how I know.
I am using fat quarters. I cut my 2.5 inch strips from
length ( 18”) side of a fat
quarter. In one strip I have enough for
the 7.5in and 5.5 in. of the sub cut units.
A length wise strip gives a more stable block. But use what you have and cut the way you
Sub- cut the 2.5 strips:
For each block you are making, sub cut white.
3.5 inches x 2.5 inches …. Sew to the right of your half sq.
5.5 inches x 2.5 …. Sew across the top of your half sq.
triangle patch.
For each block you are making, sub cut your dark strip ( red or blue)
5.5 inch x 2.5 inch patches….. Sew to the bottom of your
half square triangle unit.
7.5 x 2.5 inch colored patches … Sew to the left side of your half
square triangle unit.
I will have sample blocks displayed at the guild meeting and
pictures on the blog along with these instructions.
LAY OUT of the patches |
( Confession of a
bad piecer. I sew my patches to the
long strip then cut off and square up my block after each strip is sewn on….
What can I say it works for me and I dislike sub-cutting cause I always get my
strips cut to the wrong size. This only works if you are using a consistent background fabric. When using assorted back grounds it is best to sub cut your patches as you go along. My small scraps are put together in a MAKE YOUR OWN FABRIC / Improv / String blocks for a different project.)
Patch lay out |
I am sure you have been piecing quilt blocks longer than I
have so you can figure out my poor instructions. As long as the blocks are squared to 7.5
inches they will fit in the quilt. I will work with whatever blocks I am given my goal is a large throw at least 70 inches x 70 inches... 10 blocks by 10 blocks.
This type of quilt block can be set into any LIGHT / DARK
high contrast setting style and look great.
I have some print outs of
different light dark settings. I also
have a picture of the inspirational quilt. Even if you use red, white or blue
scraps, left-overs from other projects it would be an interesting quilt as long
as the contrast is good. I will be posting more pictures / step outs of the process as I make more blocks. So check back again.
I will be posting EQ7 photos of different settings for light /dark quilts. The size and settings of the quilts made will depend on how many blocks I get or make. Hoping for a lot of blocks to make a couple of throws and maybe some wheelchair lap quilts.
MIRACLE QUILTS is the veteran's group I plan to donate the quilts to. They will have a planned distribution next summer after their quilt exhibit. You can read all the veteran organizations where they have donated in the past. They also sponsor the VFW National Home for
Children, Eaton Rapids, Michigan
VFW National Home for Children
QUILTS of Valor is another organization that accepts quilts for donation, but they have requirements. Here is their link, if you wish to make a quilt for them you will find information here.
QUILT of VALOR Requirements
CC: Anna