
Saturday, January 16, 2016


January's date was incorrectly posted earlier .... it is tonight January 27 at 6pm

January’s 27TH  meeting will be a trunk show of the board’s quilting projects. We are including the heads of committees also. We have such talent in our guild. Please plan to attend and cheer these gals on. We will be having our regular show and tell also. The gals who attend the quilt camp at Bear Lake, please bring some of your projects and tell us about camp.

February’s  24TH meeting will be a charity sew. In June, Carole Carroll head of Miracle Quilts will be our speaker. So it was decided to sew some quilts to give to her. To help us with this sew, we are asking for orphan blocks, yardage, and charm squares. There will be some 12 1/2 inch patterns available at the January guild meeting. You make take them home and sew. Since we only have about 1 ½ hours to work on them at the meeting, you will probably need to finish them at home or with your sewing group.

 Quilts of any size are appreciated. So if you’re organizing your sewing rooms, keep this charity in mind. Want to get rid of your UFO’s? Bring those too. Someone else might enjoying finishing them.

 March 30th  – Charlie Coutcher on Stash Busting


 Programs Planned for 2016
                                                                  last Wednesday of the month 
January – New Officers’ Trunk Show

February – Charity Sewing

March – Charlie Coutcher on Stash Busting

April – Connie Titsworth, “What Kind of Quilter Are You.”

May – Suzi Parron – Barn Quilts and the American Trail,

June – Carole Carroll, Founder of Miracle Quilts,

July – A Quilted Tea Party

August – Beth Donaldson, Quilts and Human Rights

September – Denis Schober, Environment Makes a Difference

October – Traveling Exhibit from Keepsake Quilts

November- Guild Auction and Election of Officers

December – Christmas Party and Gift Exchange


Olivia has been accepted at Kendal College of Art and Designs in Grand Rapids. With her background in art, textiles and quilting awards she should go far. We should be very proud that she is a member of our Guild. Congratulations Olivia!!

Safe House
The Empty Bobbins will be collecting bed pillows for Safe House for January. Pillowcases would be welcome too. The toys we collected for Nov. were taken to Safe House and appreciated. Thank you.
Cathie Conlen

The December potluck was full. I always thing we should say to bring a platter instead of a plate to accommodate all the samples of food.    ONLY ONE PERSON signed up to bring food for the January meeting. Any other contributions would be welcome.
Sharon Muston

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