
Monday, July 14, 2014

APRONS and PILLOW CASES for the July 30th guild meeting * * *


From the newsletter, thank you Sharon ….



Brenda Heffernan from Mabelena’s Quilt shop in Ortonville will be our speaker.  She will be bringing her vintage apron collection and will tell us how she became a collector and why.  After Brenda’s presentation, we will have an apron contest with prizes.  (See contest details below.) 

Brenda is not only enterprising and funny, she’s a caring friend.  For several years her best friend’s daughter has been battling leukemia and has had treatment on several occasions at Hurley Hospital.  As part of her speaking fee, Brenda has asked that our guild “pay” her with homemade pillowcases.  She will give these pillowcases to 10-year old Allie to donate to the pediatric unit where she received her treatments. 

Brenda says Allie is very excited to see the pillowcases and to be able to cheer up her friends with this gift.  So please consider making a pillowcase or two to donate.  These pillowcases need to be standard size (not queen or king), homemade (not store bought), kid friendly fabric, and brand new.  If you need a simple pattern, search for free pillowcase patterns on the internet or go to

Pattern site suggestions:

When you think about aprons, keep thinking…..pillowcases!
If Brenda Heffernan’s presentation on aprons inspires you, you might want to expand your interest beyond aprons and take a look at   Not only is the project attractive, but it might give you some ideas for using your scraps in a decorative fashion.   And those of you lucky enough to have those fancy machines with the embroidery stitches, might get inspired by the projects.   Bring your finished projects for all to see.

You need not be a kitchen goddess to enter the apron contest.

You do not need to be able to cook.   You don’t even have to look good in an apron.   Entries are limited to quilt guild members-in-good-standing.  There are no fees for entry, but there are prizes for winners.   So if you want to be a winner, dig out that apron.

There will be three categories for entry: 

  1)  Vintage, usually anything vintage is something 15 years older than you, but in this case we are going to say that vintage is anything that you claim is old, as in “this old thing….” It need not be homemade, but if it’s not homemade it has to have a good story something that might be filled with nostalgia.   If the story brings tears to the eyes, the judges will be impressed. 

  2)  Made by me.   Clearly, this means something that you made yourself.   Maybe the pattern is your own design.   Maybe you used a commercial pattern, but the point is that you stitched it yourself.    

3)   Very Unique – a definition that only you can describe as in “If you see it, you will know….”  

You may only enter ONE apron, BUT you can enter ONE apron in EACH category.   For those of you who don’t understand math, that means that you have a better chance of winning, if you enter each category.   Your odds might be better than in a casino, and you don’t have to spend money!      
You, or your designee, must model the apron for the audience.   There will be a panel of five judges who will make the final selections and award the prizes.    You might be the lucky winner.   Nobody will come to your house to present you with a check.  

ONE of our members, Leslie, has made three pillowcases just today.  She is challenging other members to make pillowcases for BRENDA.  Bring them to the next meeting ... let try and get the most pillowcases.

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