
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Annual Membership Meeting in November


Our guild has an annual meeting each November at which time we elect officers and take care of other guild business. One of the items on our ballot is to:

Raise guest fees for guild meetings with outside speakers:  
Choose ONE of the following options:
___ Keep the fee the same (currently $5.00)  
___ Increase the fee to $7.50  
___Increase the fee to $10.00

Our Nominating Committee has placed the following members on the ballot for the 2014 Evening Star Quilters Board. The nominees are:

President:       Anne Wohlfeil Vice President:  Janet Varner
Secretary:       Rebecca Sasser Treasurer:          Shirley Dingman and Karen Forrest (sharing the position)

If anyone else is interested in a board position, they will be placed on the ballot prior to a vote.

It is the practice of the Evening Star Quilters to share information with and about other guilds, events and shops in the State of Michigan.  However, our guild does not endorse or have a preference for any specific shops or quilt professionals.  Our Internet presence shall reflect this belief.

*A blog (a contraction of the words web log) is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web and consisting of entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). 

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